Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Not feeling so hot today. I am trying to lay low so I don't bite anybody's head off. The total dental bill to fix my hubby's mouth is $2200 so I am planning on keeping the dental insurance once I leave my job. At least until we can get a lot of his mouth fixed.

I hate that he procrastinates on things until it HAS to be done. Yep I like taking care of things but not everything and it gets old.

My jacuzzi tub is used nightly and if not I would have probably killed him by now!!


clean and crazy said...

oh my gosh, i swear we are souls sisters, my honey has not been to the dentist since we have been together!! and we have EXCELLENT insurance and the most GENTLE dentist in the free world I would bet my kids on it and he does not go!! i go twice a year my first visits were a lot of work fixing broken teeth and all but now it is just check ups, he NEEDS to go so bad and he won't!! I swear I wish he would get a freaking cavity that hurt like hell to make his ass go to the dentist, fuckin chicken shit!!!

awe i wish i had a hot tub, my bath gets warm and then cold real quick so those don't last long.

men can you believe them they aren't supposed to be scared of nothing!! the only reason they won't go to the dentist is pure unadulterated F-E-A-R. thank god we are there to take care of them!!

Moll said...

I am putting off some dental stuff at the moment because I am still reeling from the $700 I paid the man three weeks ago. The smart part of my brain knows that it will actually be cheaper in the long run if I just deal with it now. The dumb part - and apparently the bigger part - says, "But I don't wanna!"

Zephra said...

I love my jacuzzi tub more than my husband sometimes. Honestly, it warms me up, massages me, and totally relaxes me. By the way I gave you an award on my blog today.