Tuesday, February 9, 2010


You know, why do people have to be assholes?
I sent a cute e mail to a few of my blogger friends and a few of my friends I know in person.
One of the blogger people sent me a reply that said,"Kristi if you send me anything, don't do it in a mass e mail. I don't want people seeing my e mail address. I get too much spam and other crap and I don't want to get that stuff."


I am sure now that all of my friends are going to send her spam.
Because that's what I do in my spare time, how about you??
Give me a break.

Shit, lighten up person!

On a good news front, I had a long talk with my husband and I told him that he is not very fair to me and how he makes me feel like shit a lot.
And he said, "yeah, I do that a lot, huh?"

You think??

Well, atleast he acknowledged my feelings.

1 comment:

clean and crazy said...

you know you always have to be ready for what ever they may say to what you are trying to get through to them. i tried telling my honey once how he made me feel and i was so proud of myself for not going off on him and being articulate and shit he goes, 'huh' and that was all i thought ' do you know how freaking hard that was to say without yelling at you!!!
men, sometimes i wonder if they all share one brain cell!!