Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Things can change very quickly

I talked to a friend today on Facebook who told me they are losing their home. She works in real estate and her husband drives a truck for a lumber supply company.

They are moving into an RV at her pastor's house.
I tried to encourage her tell her I am praying for her.

The thing is, when my job goes away, I am GOING to have to find a job really soon.
Or we will be in the same boat.

If I get a severance and if I find a job very soon, we will be fine and I can pay off my car.
All I can do is pray about it and hope that things work out.

But just like my friend said, "As long as we are together, it will be okay."

Still, it is scary!


Zephra said...

It is scary. I am thinking about you.

Unknown said...

That poor family! That is so sad. Why are they losing their house? What happened?