Wednesday, October 7, 2009


So yeah, I mentioned that I was talking to my sister again.

Well, this college algebra is kicking my ass.
So my niece was over here one day and she said, "oh Aunt Kris, I have a calculator that figures all that for me."
I told my sister that my niece told me about this calculator.
My sister said she had to buy my niece a new one.
Then she found her old one.
So she has 2 calculators.
My sister said, "Anytime you need to borrow it, let me know."
And I said, "I may want to use it to do my final, it is in a few weeks."
And she said, "no problem!"

So tonight, I called her and said, "I am so glad you are letting me use that calculator, I am so stressed about algebra."
And she replied,"Well, yeah, you can use it, but don't leave it down for anybody to tear it up."

I was like "Huh?? What do you mean?"
And she said, "Oh, well, please take care of it because it was expensive. Don't let your kids tear it up."


I told her, "Well, never mind. I can figure it out on my own, after all I am in week 7 of a 9 week class."


I just got quiet after that and she said she had to go.

But I am pissed.

And I think the problem is that she wanted me to buy one of the calculators from her but I won't because I am almost done with my class and why should I BUY a calculator from her when my niece has 2 of them???

And I am pissed that she insinuated that TC was going to break the damn calculator. TC is not destructive.
Oh am I ever pissed.
I feel like I have been slapped in the face.

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