Friday, January 22, 2010


Yep, I deleted my post and hopefully nobody saw it.

I don't want to do anything stupid.
I am not going to jeopardize relationships for selfish reasons.
I know some people tell us what we want to hear for their own gain.

My husband is reaching out to his Mom, we are going to her house tomorrow.
I hope 2010 brings forth a lot of positive things including a new shiny job for me!

I still can't believe after March 31st I will be jobless.


clean and crazy said...

awe it is always hard accepting the loss of a job, but girl i haven't had a paying gig in 5 years!!

so get over it!!!
no seriously, i find in recovery that when one door closes another one is about to open, i just have to be willing to stop looking at the closed door.

and i didn't read your post!! damn it you deleted it!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't see the post, but I hope you and your family are okay. If you ever need to vent, feel free to e-mail me at Venting is good for the soul as long as the person you are venting about doesn't see it. With all the stresses you have to deal with each day, I understand the need to just let it out.

Hope you have a good day!

misguidedmommy said...

i saw the post and my answer is YES YES AND OH YEAH YES